Forty percent of chemists/physicists/astronomers

have a religious affiliation 

but forty percent of Americans believe 

science and religion are incompatible/in conflict

science is about objective truth about Nature

but Spirit first of all goes out of itself as Nature

so Nature is objective Spirit/

unselfconscious Spirit/slumbering Spirit

Plato’s “visible/sensible God”

and Nature is a dynamic god

not an inert background for Mind

as the ancient Egyptians thought

to Dietrich Bonhoeffer “religion”

is the “garment of Christianity”

its outward form not its essence

and when essence is lost

religious institutions like churches die 

and are reborn as something new

death and rebirth is a pattern

in all major religions:


the Moon is the great symbol of this –

religion is about symbolism 

the source of meaning

and humans by Nature are meaning-seekers:

even so-called “primitive” tribes

believe the Moon 

is the abode of souls 

awaiting reincarnation

and the Moon expands with souls as it waxes

and releases souls as it wanes

the Moon dies/resurrects/

reincarnates as something new

it may not be a scientific fact 

science is all about facts

but the Moon-belief

is objectively and truly meaningful

and soul-satisfying.

Published by

Bruce Tallman

Since 2002 I have been a full-time spiritual director in private practice in London Ontario. I have published two books on spiritual direction for spiritual directors. One of them, "Finding Seekers," is a best seller in the field. I have also published two books on spirituality for the general public. The latest one is called "God's Ecstatic Love: Transform Your Life with a Spiritual Masterpiece." It is a 21st century update of Francis de Sales' classic "Treatise on the Love of God." See The London Free Press has published hundreds of my articles on spirituality, theology and ethics and I have facilitated marriage preparation with over 3500 couples since 1988. For more information see

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