In his song “Lovers in a Dangerous Time”

Canadian folk legend Bruce Cockburn sings

we live in a dangerous time because

democracy is rapidly crumbling across the planet

and because climate change leaves no time  

to stop it/figure it out/get our bearings


however, mystics East and West agree

there is more to life than “getting somewhere”

in politics/business/war/religion –

beyond ambition there is penetration of being/



and the solution to all problems

is not simply to be “born again” –

religious maturity is deeper than any psychological state

or infantile religious experience

because maturity can deal with

darkness/failure/uncertainty and still be joyful

whereas infantile religion always needs more and more light

and only light, no darkness or shadow


self-confrontation of our shadow is painful

but necessary for spiritual growth –

taking a log out of an eye is a painful operation

but then we can see clearly –

contemplation can be painful too –

showing us our deepest convictions

are wrong or shallow, replacing our comfortable truths

with unsettling ones that empty out our ego


faith and love are deeper/higher than science

or even mystical experience – knowledge and experience

no matter how deep or great are worthless

unless they deepen our faith and love


hope deepens us too –

without the hope of eternal life

the riddles of life/death/grief/guilt remain unresolved –

according to Catholic theologians Karl Rahner and Ron Rolheiser

“there is no finished symphony in this life” –

and so there is a tendency to fall into despair

unless the Life Divine is real.





3 Big Ideas for April 10, 2019

  1. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s notion of “cosmic personalization” means that the entire cosmos is headed towards wholeness, complexification, consciousness, and love.
  2. In 1961 at a General Assembly of the World Council of Churches, James Sittler, a Lutheran theologian, reminded the gathering that, according to Colossians 1:15-17, the Cosmic Christ is the foundation of all things and all things are united in the Cosmic Christ. If this is true, Christians have nothing to fear from other religions, philosophy and modern science since all these things are “in Christ” whether they acknowledge it or not. In fact, the values of materialistic scientists and philosophers such as the search for truth,could be a preparation for the acceptance of the gospel.
  3. Since all institutions are relative and provisional, including churches, synagogues, mosques and temples, we must put our hope in the living God who alone can fulfill history. We must hope in God, not any religious institution.